Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Try a French Press And You'll Be Impressed!

Looking for a hearty taste of java? If you come to Greenberry's, do yourself a favor and try a French press coffee. What's special about the French Press is that extra time and steps are taken to bring out that extra coffee flavor. The kind of gusto that has you tongue telling you, "This is good coffee."
The French press preparation process entails placing coffee and water in a cylinder and stirring. The coffee is left to brew for a few minutes. A circular lid is pressed down to trap the coffee grounds at the bottom of the cylinder. This technique of placing the grounds in direct contact with the water produces robust coffee quality.
No text description of the French press conveys the essence of this coffee. You really have to experience it for yourself. So why not click on the video below? Get a taste of what French press is all about. It will definitely get you in the coffee drinking mood. At Greenberry's, you can prder the French press from a variety of coffee blends.

       At Greenberry's, you can try the French Press with any of our bulk coffees. Just some of the choices are Arabian Mocha, Jakarta, House, Viennesse, and Morning blends. Each coffee has its own distinct character, which the French Press brings to life even more. Try it. You'll like it. For a few dollars per cup, you'll get more coffee body for your money. 

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